Under Federal planning guidelines MPOâs are required to submit a work program that highlights transportation planning projects into broadly categorized planning activities and explains the funding for each activity for a fiscal year (FY). This is done through a document called the UPWP. The funding is provided through the State of Tennessee (TDOT) from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), which are combined in a Consolidated Planning Grant. The funds are provided at an 80/20 match ratio, with 80% of the total funds provided by Federal funds, 5% being State and and 15% provided by Local.

Fiscal Years 2024-2025 UPWP
This UPWP will cover a period of two years, from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2025. The Fiscal Years 2024-2025 UPWP was adopted by the Executive Board on August 15, 2023.
View the FYs 2024-2025 UPWP (PDF Version) (HTML) – as amended and modified below.
Pending Amendments
There are no pending amendments at this time.
- Amendment 1 (August 7, 2024) – Amend the Fiscal Years 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program to add a new Task IV for Special Studies, with a subtask for the State Route 75 Corridor Study
Administrative Modifications
- Administrative Modifications- There are no modifications at this time.