Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050 Update
The Johnson City MTPO’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a federally-required document produced by the MTPO every five years that identifies projects to improve the region’s roadways, bridges, walkways, bikeways, and transit services. This plan will update the previous long-range transportation plan adopted in 2018 and address transportation opportunities and challenges in the region through the year 2050. On this page, you will find news about the planning process and tools to share your ideas. Continue reading below to learn more.
What’s next?
The Plan will follow the schedule below:
- Final Plan and Executive Summary – The final Plan and Executive Summary will be available online after Executive Board adoption on December 13, 2022.
Project Documents and Resources
Please select from one of the following documents to learn more:
- 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan – full draft;
- Existing Plus Committed Projects – these projects have funding committed and are in some form of development;
- Fiscally Constrained List of Projects – these are future projects that are proposed using expected funding estimates; and
- Interactive Story Map – This online feature will tell the “story” of the MTP update process through interactive maps and text.
To view the previous plan, go to the current Plan’s page and view:
- Johnson City MTPO 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
- MTP 2045 Executive Summary
Thank you for being involved!
We want to thank everyone for their involvement and comments throughout the process to update the MTP. Please see below a list of all the previous public comment opportunities.
Previous Public Comment Opportunities:
- Interactive Survey – The MetroQuest survey was open between January 26 to March 14, 2022.
- Public Meeting No. 1 – This meeting was held virutally on March 3, 2022 at two times (12:00 PM and 6:00 PM Eastern). The meeting recording is available on YouTube.
- Interactive Map of Proposed Future Transportation Projects– The interactive Social PinPoint map was open for public comment between May 19 to June 17, 2022.
- Public Meeting No. 2 – This meeting was held in-person on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 for the public to review maps with proposed project locations.
- Public Comment Period – The draft of the MTP was available for public review and comment for 30 calendar days from November 9, 2022 until December 9, 2022.
- Public Meeting No. 3 – The third and final public meeting was held on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 in an open-house style format from 4:00-5:30 PM in the Langston Centre for the public to review and comment on the draft plan.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the MTP update, please contact us.