Johnson City MTPO

Fiscal Years 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program




This Unified Planning Work Program was developed by the Johnson City MTPO, in cooperation with: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and Tennessee Department of Transportation

An electronic copy of this document can be found on our website at

If you need this document translated into Spanish or any other language, please contact the MPO Manager, by phone at (423) 434-6272 or email at

Spanish Translation of the above statement:

Si usted necesita este document resumido en espanol contacta por favor al Coordinator del MTPO. Numero de telefono (423) 434-6272, correo electronico:

The Johnson City Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) ensures compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 49 CFR, part 26; related statutes and regulations to the end that no person shall be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin.


Table of Contents

Resolution 3

List of Abbreviations 4

Section 1 – About the UPWP 5

Section 2 – Planning Focus Areas of the Johnson City MTPO 5

Section 3 – Funding Sources 6

Section 4 – About the Johnson City MTPO 7

Johnson City MTPO Metropolitan Planning Area 7

Organizational Structure 9

Executive Board 9

Executive Staff 9

Administrative Staff 10

Section 5 – Public Participation 10

Section 6 – Amendments and Administrative Modifications 10

Section 7 – Title VI / Environmental Justice / ADA 11

Section 8 – Federal Planning Factors 11

Section 9 – Work Program 15

Task I – Program Administration 16

Task II – Data Collection, Maintenance and Analysis 20

Task III – Short Range Planning 24

Task IV – Long Range Planning 27

Task V – Multimodal Planning 30

Other Transportation Planning Tasks in the Johnson City MTPO MPA 33

Budget Summary – Funding Sources 34

Budget Summary – Agency Participation 35

Budget Summary – Agency Participation by Funding Source 36




WHEREAS, a comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing transportation process is to be carried out in the Johnson City Metropolitan Planning Area; and

WHEREAS, under federal planning guidelines, Metropolitan Planning Organizations are required to submit a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) that identifies the transportation planning projects and planning activities to be undertaken by local, regional, and/or state agencies for the Johnson City Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) for Fiscal Years 2022-2023; and

WHEREAS, the various state, local and regional agencies involved with transportation planning for the Johnson City MTPO MPA have cooperatively developed a UPWP for Fiscal Years 2022-2023; and


WHEREAS, the staff of the Johnson City MTPO, Tennessee Department ofTransportation, Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration have reviewed the Fiscal Years 2022-2023 UPWP and found it satisfies federal requirements; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Johnson City MTPO Executive Board does hereby approve and adopt the Fiscal Years 2022-2023 UPWP.


List of Abbreviations

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

AMPO Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CPG Consolidated Planning Grant

COOP Continuity Of Operations Planning

EDC Every Day Counts

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

ETRIMS Enhanced Tennessee Roadway Information Management System FAST Act Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act

FHWA Federal Highway Administration

FTA Federal Transit Administration

FY Fiscal Year

GIS Geographic Information Systems

GPS Global Positioning System

ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems

JCT Johnson City Transit

LRPD Long Range Planning Division

LRTP Long Range Transportation Plan (State)

MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act MOA Memorandum of Agreement

MPA Metropolitan Planning Area

MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization

MTP Metropolitan Transportation Plan

MTPO Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization PEL Planning and Environmental Linkages

PL 112 Section 112 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-87) PPP Public Participation Plan

RPO Rural Planning Organization

Sec. 5303 Title 49, United States Code, Section 5303 (Transit Planning) SHRP Strategic Highway Research Program

SPR State Planning and Research Funds

TAM Transit Asset Management

TDOT Tennessee Department of Transportation TIP Transportation Improvement Program

TITAN Tennessee Integrated Traffic Analysis Network TNMUG Tennessee Model Users Group (Travel Demand Model) TPM Transportation Performance Management

TPR Transportation Planning Report

TSMO Transportation System Management and Operations UPWP Unified Planning Work Program

USC United States Code

U.S. DOT United States Department of Transportation VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled

Section 1 – About the UPWP

The Johnson City Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) was established in 1982 when the 1980 Census identified the Johnson City Urbanized Area (urban areas with a population of at least 50,000). Federal law requires the Johnson City MTPO to conduct transportation planning activities within the Johnson City Urbanized Area in a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive process, as defined in the following federal legislation and regulations:

In order to carry out these duties, the Johnson City MTPO staff develops a work program in the form of a document called the Unified Planning Work Program, or UPWP as it is often referred to by transportation professionals. This two-year UPWP covers Federal Fiscal Years 2022-2023, beginning on October 1, 2021 and ending on September 30, 2023. The UPWP identifies tasks ranging from data collection tasks to plan development, ongoing administrative activities and special projects. As a result, these tasks support the continuing, comprehensive and cooperative planning process.

The UPWP is developed by the Johnson City MTPO staff in conjunction with its member jurisdictions, two local public transit providers, Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The MTPO staff announced the drafting of a new UPWP at the Executive Board meeting on December 8, 2020. As in past years, the priority of the Johnson City MTPO is to meet the federal requirements and update required documents in order to remain eligible for federal funds. This continuous process is discussed with the MTPO’s members. Unfortunately, some projects discussed with members are not feasible, due to the lack of local match funds. The main objective of the next two years is the update to two major plans – the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan and the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).

The draft UPWP is then submitted to TDOT, FHWA, and FTA for comments. Once the comments have been adequately addressed, the UPWP is recommended for adoption by the Johnson City MTPO Executive Board. The Executive Board meeting is advertised at least seven days before the meeting and the draft UPWP is placed on the MTPO’s website for review by the public. Then, the adopted UPWP is forwarded to TDOT and approved by FHWA and FTA.

Section 2 – Planning Focus Areas of the Johnson City MTPO

The Johnson City MTPO plans to focus on four areas for the two-year period in the UPWP. The first is to maintain the MPO program to remain eligible for federal transportation funds, including the maintenance of the four main planning documents and everyday operations. The second focus is the update to the

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which will span two years. The third focus is the update to the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan and Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture and Deployment Plan. The fourth focus will be anticipating the release of new 2020 Census urbanized areas and its potential effect on the MPOs in the Tri-Cities region, along with updating the Metropolitan Planning Area boundary. These activities are explained in more detail in the Work Program in Section 9.

Section 3 – Funding Sources

The primary funding sources to accomplish tasks identified in the UPWP is provided by two programs. First, the FHWA Section 112 Metropolitan Transportation Planning funds (PL 112) and second, the FTA Section 5303 Transit Planning funds. TDOT participates in the Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) Program, where they receive a direct apportionment of both types of funds and combine them into a single fund administered by FHWA. The funds are distributed to the MPOs and administered by TDOT’s Long Range Planning Division (LRPD) in accordance with 23 CFR 420.109. Both types of funds are distributed based on a formula. The PL 112 formula gives each MPO a base amount plus an amount based on their 2010 Census Urbanized Area population and the formula also retains a small portion for TDOT to use for the benefit of all the MPOs. The distribution formula for the 5303 funds is based on each MPO’s 2010 Census Urbanized Area population. TDOT also receives an allocation of State Planning and Research Funds (SPR) from FHWA and Section 5304 transit planning funds from FTA that are available to assist MPOs and transit agencies across the state.

As with most grants, matching funds are required. The funds originating with FHWA and FTA require a 20% local match, resulting in an 80% Federal/20% match split. TDOT provides part of the match for all funds in the CPG, resulting in an 80% Federal, 5% State and 15% Local split.

Table 1 on the next page identifies the amount of funding available to program for tasks in the UPWP for the Johnson City MTPO. Depending on the task, other funding sources may be used. If so, they are identified in the detail section of each task in the UPWP. However, it should be noted, without the FHWA PL 112 and FTA Section 5303 funds, the Johnson City MTPO would not be able to operate in its current capacity as the majority of these funds are used for its operations. The City of Johnson City provides the majority of the local matching funds, with other jurisdictions contributing the match for projects specific to their locale.


Table 1 – Transportation Planning Funding Programs

Estimated Allocations from Funding Sources

Federal Amount

State Amount

Local Amount

Total of all Sources

PL 112 FY 2019





PL 112 FY 2020





Sec. 5303 FY 2019





PL 112 FY 2021





Sec. 5303 FY 2020





PL 112 FY 2022





Sec. 5303 FY 2021





PL 112 FY 2023





Sec. 5303 FY 2022





Total Available for Programming





*Please note that 5303 funds are received one year behind from the year they are allocated from FTA.

Section 4 – About the Johnson City MTPO

Johnson City MTPO Metropolitan Planning Area

The Johnson City MTPO Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) consists of the Town of Bluff City, the City of Elizabethton, the City of Johnson City, the Town of Jonesborough, a portion of the Town of Unicoi, and parts of Carter, Sullivan and Washington Counties. At a minimum, the MPA boundaries shall encompass the entire existing urbanized area (as defined by the Bureau of the Census) plus the contiguous area expected to become urbanized within a 20-year forecast period for the metropolitan transportation plan. The map in Figure 1 on the next page shows the Johnson City MTPO Urbanized Area, as well as the MPA boundaries for the Johnson City MTPO. The current boundary was adopted by the Johnson City MTPO Executive Board at its meeting on October 9, 2014 and approved by the Governor of the State of Tennessee on December 17, 2014.

Figure 1


Organizational Structure

The Johnson City MTPO is organized as an Executive Board, Executive Staff and administrative staff. The Executive Board, or Policy Board, is the overall governing body for the Johnson City MTPO and is supported by the Executive Staff and the Johnson City MTPO administrative staff.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is the governing body of the Johnson City MTPO and has the authority to adopt plans, programs, and policies. The Executive Board includes the top elected officials from the member jurisdictions.

End Products (Schedule) – FY 2022

End Products

By Whom


Organize stakeholders’ meetings for the update to the Coordinated Plan to review and prioritize strategies identified

Johnson City MTPO Staff; Public Transit Providers’ Staff;

Advisory Committee; Stakeholders; Contractor

By Fall 2021

Finalize the draft of the Plan for state and federal review process

Johnson City MTPO Staff; TDOT Staff;

FHWA/ FTA Staff; Contractor

By Dec 2021

Complete the state and federal review process for the draft updated MTP

Johnson City MTPO Staff; TDOT Staff;

FHWA/ FTA Staff; Contractor

By Feb 2022

Complete the public review process for the

draft updated Coordinated Plan

Johnson City MTPO Staff;


By March 2022

Adopt updated Coordinated Plan

Johnson City MTPO Staff; Public Transit Providers’ Staff;

Executive Board

By April 2022

End Products (Schedule) – FY 2023

End Products

By Whom


Organize Advisory Committee meeting on Coordinated Plan to review priorities

Johnson City MTPO Staff; Public Transit Providers’ Staff;

Advisory Committee

By Spring 2023

Planning Factors Considered: All ten FAST Act Planning Factors will be considered during transit planning, and noted with individual activities, which are Economic Vitality, System Safety, System Security, Accessibility and Mobility, Enhance Environment, Integration and Connectivity, System Management and Operations, System Preservation, System Resiliency, and Travel and Tourism.

Budget and Funding Source

Task V – Multimodal Planning – FY 2022 and FY 2023


Federal Funds



Local Match

Johnson City MTPO Total





Other Transportation Planning Tasks in the Johnson City MTPO MPA

Although not the responsibility of the Johnson City MTPO, there are several other transportation planning tasks that are being implemented within the Johnson City MTPO MPA:

  1. TDOT Road Safety Audits

    TDOT conducts, upon request of local officials, road safety audits that are intended to eliminate or alleviate safety concerns that have been identified when studying crash data and from actual field investigations. According to TDOT, road safety audits are used primarily as “quick” improvements to correct safety issues such as lack of signing or striping or to correct minor geometric deficiencies. Typically, all improvements occur within the existing right-of-way and are completed within one (1) year of the final report. The cost of each of the studies and implementations vary by multiple projects.

    Estimated Cost: TDOT In-House Staff; cost of the audit is undetermined

  2. TDOT Transportation Planning Reports

    TDOT’s Strategic Transportation Investments Division conducts, upon request of local officials, planning studies across the state of potential transportation projects. Currently, there is a request from the Town of Jonesborough to study a potential new parkway between State Route 34/U.S. 11E (West Jackson Boulevard) and State Route 354 (Boones Creek Road).

    Estimated Cost: TDOT contracts with on-call consultants; cost of the reports is unknown

  3. State Route 354 - Boones Creek Road Corridor Study

This project was awarded the Urban Transportation Planning Grant by TDOT in February 2021 to study the State Route 354 corridor, which is Boones Creek Road between State Route 36 (North Roan Street) in Johnson City to State Route 34/U.S. 11E (West Jackson Boulevard) in Jonesborough. The jurisdictions of Washington County, City of Johnson City and the Town of Jonesborough are involved in this study, along with TDOT Office of Community Transportation, the Johnson City MTPO and the contractor selected to facilitate the project.

Estimated Cost: $100,000

Budget Summary – Funding Sources

Table 5

Funding Sources- Johnson City Urbanized Area Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023



Federal 80%

State 5%

Local 15%



Program Administration






Data Collection






Short Range Planning






Long Range Planning






Multimodal Planning











Budget Summary – Agency Participation

Table 6

Agency Participation- Johnson City Urbanized Area Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023






Program Administration





Data Collection





Short Range Planning





Long Range Planning





Multimodal Planning








Budget Summary – Agency Participation by Funding Source

Table 7

Agency Participation by Funding Source Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023



Federal 80%

State 5%

Local 15%


TDOT Match













